Development Environment

You can develop java application using mixer2 on general IDE (Integrated Development Environment). You can choice it as you like. Eclipse, NetBeans, Intellij-IDEA...

Also, You can use any build tool. ant, maven, etc. If you use maven, add dependency into your pom.xml. see download. If you use ant, download zip archive from download page and add jars into your classpath.


If you were inexperienced to in java programming, you will have a little trouble to prepqre your own local develop environment.

This chapter explains how to prepare JDK, and Eclipse.


If you have not install JDK, First, you should install it. You need NOT JRE(Java Runtime Environment) but JDK(Java Development Environment).

On Windows, you can download jdk installer from oracle official web site. On MacOS, JDK is installed already. You MUST use JDK6 or higher in each case.

Eclipse Java-EE developers

see .

start coding !

Now, you should create your own project. You can use maven archetype for mixer2 and SpringMVC.

Of course, you can use fruitshop sample web application on your own IDE cloning from github. See .